October 21, 2008

I give in.. a little too much

"Life just sucks, I lost the one
Im giving up
She found someone
Theres plenty more, girls are such a drag"

-- Dysentery gary, blink 182


Apa Kau Nak said...

My dear brother, trust me, loosing is a part of gaining.

I've lost many men to gain THAT one man ;)

So cheer up. Life's is great. :D

a z r e e n a said...

brother dear. i totally agree with her. i kissed damn loads of frogs just to realize what i needed has been given to me years ago. all along he was by my side. took me years to realize that simple fact.

bila sampai masa. akan sampai jua.

perhaps it's time you just take a seat and stop looking or chasing. lepak &enjoy life. she'll show up, really!