July 14, 2009

any forward motion counts

so what do i do now... a new challenge it is indeed... i need a place to start it all.. right now it is a bit messy... not documentation, no proper way to actually see what is being done... damn that's all to digest... not to mention that i have to come out with another documentation for all the account involved... why did i decided to tackle this challenge again?... let I'm giving myself until October.. let see if i can push myself to get this thing going... hopefully i will be able to get this project moving again... i know it is going to take a lot for me to actually do this... i have no plan B to fall back onto... i need this to be a success or at least moving rather than being stagnant...

I need to get with the team... even if i am not really the type of person who can just mingle with people i dont really know in a jiffy... well at least i know them by name... and we have spoken to each other before... it just take a little bit more to be at ease with them and then probably i will be able to in tune with what's their are doing and eventually move the team to a new level.. hahaha dream on aboo ... dream on...

Well the urgent matter here is for me to get started... once it is in motion, be it a bumpy ride or a smooth one at least it is in motion... any obstacles beyond the starting lineis.. well let cross that bridge once we come to it... for now I NEED to get it going... get a grip on yourself aboo and press on the gas pedal...

On another matter.. Selamat pengatin baru to hafez... my buddy from school... kawin dah kau nyer.. cam tak cayer jer... hahahaha

I seems to get in touch with a lot of people from my past recently... which is good.. because they remembered me... I must have made some kind of impression (haha perasan jap, boleh???)... so anyway it is good to catch up and see where they are now... talk about the silly things we've done over the years... hahahaha bliss.... sayang the girls.. all dah kawin... melepas aku.. hahaha

"Any forward motion counts!!"


Dottie With Dots said...

why October?

fallen_again said...

erm.. i dont know.. no reason really .. just a dateline... plus i might just chickened out and look for another job... hehehe